Apostle Paul spoke of a MYSTERY that in Other Ages was not made known unto men; and knew that in the Ages to come, Christ would continue to show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us, and made the statement "unto Him be glory in the Church, by Jesus/Yhswh the Christ throughout All Ages, world without end."
And we all know that right "now, as we speak," Bible scholars on the whole are ambiguously piecing together the Ages of Earth's existence, falsely calling them "dispensations of Time." But couldn't we, by taking all prophecy literally beginning with Enoch and Moses... Adopt a map of Earth's Ages similar to the following...
1. Age of Innocence in the Garden of Eden:
a. replenishing the earth by 'multiplying' as commanded- with 'sons of God' also called 'angels' and 'watchers'
b. dressing the Garden with technological inventions; even a humanoid robot which The Lord God set as a 'covering cherub' for them when they left the protection of the Garden [Ezekiel 28:14-18].
c. Lasting From re-creation of Earth - to Adam and Eve's disobedience and the changing of their bodies to bear children instead of 'multiplying [Genesis chapters 1-3].
2. Age of Adam's Race living outside the Garden of Eden:
a. God began His mission of seeking a seed that would be strong enough to accomplish what it took to fulfill His promise to Adam and Eve [Genesis 3:14,15].
b. with Satanic influence
c. some of the 'sons of God' fell from their original state - to take on 'flesh and blood' like as Adam and Eve; humanity became so evil that The Lord God sent a flood to destroy all but Noah and his family [Genesis chapter 6].
e. Lasting from Adam's and Eve's departure from the Garden - to the 'Great Flood' [Genesis chapters 4-9].
3. Age of The Patriarchs:
a. with satanic influence as well as influence of the demonic spirits of the offspring of the 'fallen sons of God' who died in the waters of the 'Great Flood' [Book of Enoch].
b. The families of Noah and their offspring not wanting to segregate - began building one large city and a tower that reached into the clouds; hoping to reach heaven and be like God - until God confused their minds, and they separated: the families of Noah's sons each inhabiting a different part of the earth [Genesis chapter 11].
c. God found in Abraham a 'man of faith' and blessed him and his offspring to become as many as the 'stars of heaven' and the 'sand of the seashore' because He would be seeking a 'godly seed' until the 'fullness of time' [Genesis 3:15, Malachi 2:15 and Galatians 4:4].
d. lasting from Noah & sons - to Moses and 'the Exodus;' ending with the 10 plagues and demise of Pharaoh [Genesis chapter 10 through Exodus chapter 12].
4. Age of the Israelite:
a. still with Satanic and demonic influences and presence of 'strangers'
b. God chose to make of the 'seed of Abraham' a 'people' with laws for eating and living together in peace, with Prophets to teach and warn them, so that when the time was right, some would be strong enough in body, mind and spirit to bring forth the 'godly seed' who would be strong enough to carry out His plans of reconciling the world back unto Himself [Psalm 80:14-18, Malachi 2:15].
c. Jesus/Yhswh, the 'godly seed' born of a virgin - finished the work of reconciling the world back unto Himself by preaching the 'good news of the soon-coming Kingdom/His First Dominion' and then by His death, burial and resurrection [Mark 8:35-9:1; Mark chapters 14,15].
d. the 'church' was born on the 'Day of Pentecost' [Acts chapter 2]
e. Jesus/Yhswh confirmed His 'New Covenant with His 'new people' who had fled to the mountains by the dead Sea - for seven years [Dead Sea Scrolls/Damascus Document (the Teacher of Righteousness appeared to them from time to time)]
f. the 'Parousia' or God's punishment of Jerusalem and then the rest of the world for teaching His people to sin; also called the 'day of The Lord' and the 'great tribulation' with people hiding in dens and caves while God shook the earth and turned it upside down - beginning with the siege of Jerusalem and the 'Revelation of The Christ' on the Mt of Olives, including Satan bound for a thousand years or until the end of the First Dominion of the Messiah [Isaiah chapter 2, 24:1 and Revelation 20:2].
g. the Mt. of the House of The Lord established in the tops of the mountains at Jerusalem and 'exalted above the hills' during the 'last days' of the Israelite [Isaiah 2:2, Micah 4:1 and Zechariah chapter 14].
h. Lasting from the 'Birth of a People' at Mt. Sinai- to their Last Days and the Day of The Lord [Exodus chapters 13-35, up to Revelation ch.14 & more].
5. First Dominion of the Messiah:
a. still with demonic influence, but not of Satan who was bound after the Siege of Jerusalem
b. The New Jerusalem was established in the tops of the mountains at Jerusalem; and exalted above the hills [Isaiah 2:2 and Micah 4:1].
c. lasting from the Last Days of the Israelite - to Satan loosed and coming up against the Camp of the Saints [Isaiah 2:2; Revelation 20:1-3 and Revelation 20:7-10].
d. When Satan and his army of dissenters came up against the Camp of the Saints, God 'folded up as a garment' everything worth saving and 'changed it' into another dimension of our world [Hebrews 1:10-12 and Psalm 102:25-28].
6. Age of the Gentiles (We are here):
a. still with demonic influence [Revelation 20:7-10 & chapter 16].
b. There were two types of 'remnant' left at the end of the 'Age of the Israelite' [Micah 4:5 & Zephaniah 3:19] 1) She that was hated and driven out and afflicted were followers of Christ [Isaiah 66:5] and they were 'gathered' by the angels 'at the Last Day' [John 6:39-54, John 11:24] 2) her that 'halted' were Israelites who repented during the time of the 0070 Siege of Jerusalem, but did not want to live there during the First Dominion. They were scattered all over the earth and during the Age in which we live - many fell prey to Hitler and others of whom it was prophesied - would kill their seed [Isaiah 14:29,30; Jer. 9:16, Eze 5:2-12].
c. Jesus Himself gathers those who have 'kept their garments' with white 'horses' or ships and takes them straight to the Battle of Armageddon [Revelation 16:15-16 & Revelation 19:14] d) lasting from the demise of Satan [Rev. 20:10] to the Battle of Armageddon, Great White Throne Judgment and Changing of the earth to have no more mountains, islands nor sea [The Revelation 16:17-20].
7. Universal Kingdom of God:
a. with no evil or demonic influences
b. lasting from Armageddon and changing of Earth - till the Son lays His Kingdom back into the hands of the Father, that God may be All and In All - the Revelation chapters 15- 18 and First Corinthians chapter 15
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